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 加  班:6:00-8:00











凭借扎根科技、专业制造和前瞻决策,自1974年在台湾肇基,特别是1988年在深圳地区建厂以来, 富士康迅速发展壮大,拥有60余万员工及全球顶尖IT客户群,为全球最大的电子产业专业制造商。2008年富士康依然保持强劲发展、逆势成长,出口总额达556亿美元,占中国大陆出口总额的3.9%,连续7年雄居大陆出口200强榜首;跃居《财富》2009年全球企业500强第109位。








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作为专业的人力资源行业人士而言,我们经常培训都会说到英语题时有很多细节是需要注意的你知道英语题目?今天就让小编跟你们说说吧! 英语郑州富士康官方直招题目!非谓词动词练习——高一英语试题动词的专业练习1.ittooktheworkmenonlytwohourstofinish _ _ _ _ mycar。


a.repairin郑州富士康官方直招g b.repairc.torepaird.repaired2.it’SnO good _ _ _ _ _ _ oversplitmilkA. to cry B.crying C.cried D.cr郑州富士康官方直招y。


3.have you forgotten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 1000 frommelastmonth? willyoupleaseremember 郑州富士康官方直招_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it tomorrow?


A. borrowing; to bring B.to borrow; 布林C.borrowed; bringing D郑州富士康官方直招.borrowing; 二进制4.theclassroomwants _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。


a.clean b.cleanedc.tocleand.cleani郑州富士康官方直招ng5.jacksaidthathewouldn tmind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forusa.towa ITB.waitc.waitingd.waited。*富士康招聘要求*


6.my br郑州富士康官方直招other keeps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mewithmyworka.tohelpb.helpc.helpingd.helped7.weshouldoftenpractise _ _ _ _郑州富士康官方直招 _ _ _ englishwitheachother。*富士康直招*


a.tospeakb.spokec.speakd.speaking8.keep on _ _ _ _ _ _ andyouwi郑州富士康官方直招llsucceedA. a try B.try C.triing D.trying。*富士康招聘要求*


9.hisparentsinsiston _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to colleg郑州富士康官方直招ea.heshouldgob.he goc.hisgoingd.him Togo10.thestorywassofunnythatwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。*富士康直招*


a.couldn’thelplaughb.can’tbutlaughc.couldn’thelplaughingd.couldn’thelpbuttolaugh11.howmuchtimedidyo郑州富士康官方直招uspend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the text?*富士康招聘要求*



a.copyingb.toco pyc.incopyd.on copying12.I _ _ _ _ _ _ s郑州富士康官方直招ee you without _ _ _ _ _ _ your mother。*富士康直招*

A. never; thinking of B.never; 钉钉C. not; thinks of D.dont; th郑州富士康官方直招ink about13.Though it sounds a bit too dear (高价),it is worth _ _ _ _ _ _。*富士康招聘要求*

a.beingboughtb.buyingc.tobu郑州富士康官方直招 yd.buying it14. The novel is well _________A. worth to read B.worth being read。*富士康直招*

c.worthytoreadd.wort郑州富士康官方直招hyofbeingread15.thefarmerswerebusy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cottona.topic kb.pickingc.withpickingd.pluck。*富士康招聘要求*

高一英语郑州富士康官方直招能力竞赛非谓语动词专项训练(一) )根据所给的中文,完成以下句子1.isthereanyshopinthedistrict _ _ _ _ _ (卖水果和蔬菜)?2.The man in the pi郑州富士康官方直招cture______ (与外宾握手) is our headmaster。*富士康直招*

3.We must support the people______ () ) (为自由和解放而战)4.thereisaca郑州富士康官方直招rinfrontofthehotel _ _ _ _ _ (我等你送到车站)。*富士康招聘要求*

/p>5.“My Old Home" is a story______ (鲁迅在1921年写的).6.He showed 郑州富士康官方直招us a photo of the Great Hall of the People,______ (他照的)when he went to Beijing on business.*富士康直招*

7.The car郑州富士康官方直招______ (正在修理的)is very old.8.______ (由于受过良好的训练)he has no trouble in doing this kind of work.9.______ 郑州富士康官方直招(和我谈话时)he pointed out my shortcomings and gave me some advice on how to improve my work.*富士康招聘要求*

10.______ (使郑州富士康官方直招用了多年),the machine needs repairing. 参考答案:1.selling vegetables and fruit 2.shaking hands with the fore郑州富士康官方直招ign guest*富士康直招*

3.fighting for and liberation 4.waiting to take you to the railway station 5.written by Lu 郑州富士康官方直招Xu in 1921 6.taken by him 7.being repaired*富士康招聘要求*

8.Having been well trained 9.While talking with me 10.Havi郑州富士康官方直招ng been used高考英语非谓语动词练习题及参考答案下面是历年高考题:做做看!(78)1. I"ve heard him_____ about you often.*富士康直招*

A. spoke B. spe郑州富士康官方直招aks C. speak(79)2. I"m hungry. Get me something_____. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating*富士康招聘要求*

(79)3.郑州富士康官方直招 There isn"t any difference between the two. I really don"t know_____ A. where to choose B. which to郑州富士康官方直招 choose C. to choose what D. to choose which*富士康直招*

79)4, The teacher told them_____ make so much noise. A. 郑州富士康官方直招don"t B. not C. will not D. not to

(79)5. I saw him_____ out of the room. A. go B. had gone C. has go郑州富士康官方直招ne D. goes(79)6. I"m going to have my radio*富士康招聘要求*

A. fixed B. to fix C. fix D. fixing(80)7. The workers wan郑州富士康官方直招t us_____ together with them.

A. work B. working C. to work D. worked(80)8. The officers narrowly esc郑州富士康官方直招aped_____ in the hot battle.*富士康直招*

A. have killed B. to kill C. to be killed D. being killed(80)9. _____ th郑州富士康官方直招e letter, he went out to post it,*富士康招聘要求*

A. Writing B. Being written C. Having written D. Written(80)10. If 郑州富士康官方直招you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air_____ against your face.*富士康直招*

A. moved B. mo郑州富士康官方直招ving C. moves D. to move(81)11. Don"t you remember_____? A. seeing the man before B. to see the man 郑州富士康官方直招before*富士康招聘要求*

C. saw the man before D. to have seen the man before注;第11题A.D答案均为正确(83) 12. People couldn"t he郑州富士康官方直招lp_____ the foolish emperor in the procession.*富士康直招*

A. laugh at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughing 郑州富士康官方直招on(83) 13. What"s the language in Germany?*富士康招聘要求*

A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak(83)14. We"r郑州富士康官方直招e looking forward_____ the photo exhibition.*富士康直招*

A. to visiting B. to visit C. to having visited D. visit郑州富士康官方直招ing(83) 15. Our headmaster often told us _____ things for granted.*富士康招聘要求*

A. not to have B. not to take C. d郑州富士康官方直招idn"t take D. not to make(83)16. The girl_____ under that tree is my sister.*富士康直招*

A. sitting B. sits C. is郑州富士康官方直招 sitting D. sat(84)17. ___ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.*富士康招聘要求*

A. Followed B. Followed by C.郑州富士康官方直招 Being followed D. Having been followed by(84)18. Do you remember_____ me at a party last year?*富士康直招*

A. me郑州富士康官方直招et B. to meet C. meeting D. met(85)19. This sentence needs_____ A. an improvement B. improve C. impr郑州富士康官方直招oving D. improved*富士康招聘要求*

(85)20. "What are you going to do this morning?" "I"m thinking of_____ to visit my 郑州富士康官方直招aunt." A. go B. going C. having gone D. my going*富士康直招*

(85)21. _____ anything about the accident ,he went t郑州富士康官方直招o work as usual. A. Not known B. Known not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing*富士康招聘要求*

(85)22. "Have you decided wh郑州富士康官方直招en_____?" "Yes, tomorrow morning." A. to leave B. to be leaving C. will you leave D. are you leaving郑州富士康官方直招*富士康直招*

(85)23. I really enjoy_____ that kind of job. A. do B. doing C. to do D. to be doing

(85)24. "There"s郑州富士康官方直招 a hole in your bag." "l know. I am going to have it_____." A. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be me郑州富士康官方直招nded*富士康招聘要求*

(86)25. The next morning she found the man in bed, _____ dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying

(郑州富士康官方直招86)26. Tell him_____ the window. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut(86)27. Onl郑州富士康官方直招y one of these books is*富士康直招*

A. worth to read B. worth being read C. wroth of reading D. worth reading(86)郑州富士康官方直招28. He had his leg_____ in the match yesterday.*富士康招聘要求*

A. to break B. broken C. break D. breaking(86)29. I c郑州富士康官方直招an"t imagine_____ that with them.

A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing(87) 30. Most of the people___郑州富士康官方直招__ to the party were famous scientists.*富士康直招*

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting(87)31. T郑州富士康官方直招he squirrel was lucky that it just missed _____.*富士康招聘要求*

A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to ca郑州富士康官方直招tch(87)32. Though he had often made his little sister_____, today he was made_____ by his little sis郑州富士康官方直招ter.*富士康直招*

A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry(87)33. They would not allow him_____郑州富士康官方直招 across the enemy line.*富士康招聘要求*

A. to risk going B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going(88)34. She 郑州富士康官方直招didn"t remember_____ him before.*富士康直招*

A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met(88)35. They kn郑州富士康官方直招ew her very well. They had seen her_____ up from childhood.*富士康招聘要求*

A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow郑州富士康官方直招(89)36. Do you know the boy_____ under the big tree?*富士康直招*

A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying(89)37. Go on__郑州富士康官方直招___ the other exercise after you have finished this one.*富士康招聘要求*

A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing(89)郑州富士康官方直招38.There was terrible noise______ the sudden burst of light.*富士康直招*

A. followed B. following C. to be follow郑州富士康官方直招ed D. being followed(89)39. "What do you think of the book?"*富士康招聘要求*

"Oh, excellent. It"s worth_____ a second郑州富士康官方直招 time." A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read*富士康直招*

(89)40. She pretended_____ me when I passed郑州富士康官方直招 by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen*富士康招聘要求*

(89)41. "Good morning. Can I help y郑州富士康官方直招ou?" "I"d like to have this package_____, madam." A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weig郑州富士康官方直招hed*富士康直招*

(89)42. _____ your coat at once. We must hurry. A. Wear B. Wearing C. Put on D. Putting on

(90)43.郑州富士康官方直招 Most of the artists_____ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being invi郑州富士康官方直招ted D. had been invited*富士康招聘要求*

(90)44. _____ more attention, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. 郑州富士康官方直招To give C. Giving D. Having given*富士康直招*

(90)45. She reached the top of the hill and stopped_____ on a big r郑州富士康官方直招ock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest*富士康招聘要求*

(90)46. Last summer I to郑州富士康官方直招ok a course on A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D. how dresse郑州富士康官方直招s to be made*富士康直招*

(91)47. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_____ behind his back. A. being tied 郑州富士康官方直招B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied*富士康招聘要求*

(91)48. The secretary worked late into the night, _____ a long s郑州富士康官方直招peech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing*富士康直招*

(91)49. I can hardly郑州富士康官方直招 imagine Peter_____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have郑州富士康官方直招 sailed*富士康招聘要求*

(91)50. --The light in the office is still on. --Oh, I forgot_____ A. turning it off B. turn 郑州富士康官方直招it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off*富士康直招*

(91)51. John was made_____ the truck for a week as a郑州富士康官方直招 punishment. A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing*富士康招聘要求*

(92)52. Little Jim should love to_____ th郑州富士康官方直招e theatre this evening. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking*富士康直招*

(92)53. --I usually go the郑州富士康官方直招re by train. --Why not_____ by boat for a change. A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D郑州富士康官方直招. try going*富士康招聘要求*

(92)54. I would appreciate______ back this afternoon. A. you to call B. you call C. your 郑州富士康官方直招calling D. you"re calling*富士康直招*

(92)55. There"re so many kinds of tape- recorders on sale that I can"t make郑州富士康官方直招 up my mind_____ to buy. A. what B. which C. how D. where*富士康招聘要求*

(92)56._____ a reply, he decided to write a郑州富士康官方直招gain. A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received*富士康直招*

(93)57, "Can"t 郑州富士康官方直招you read?" Mary said_____ to the notice, A.angrily pointing B. and point angrily C.angrily pointed D郑州富士康官方直招. and angrily pointing*富士康招聘要求*

(93)58.How about the two of us_____ a walk down the garden? A. to take B. take郑州富士康官方直招 C. taking D. to be taking*富士康直招*

(93)59. The computer centre, _____ last year, is very popular among the st郑州富士康官方直招udents in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened*富士康招聘要求*

(93) 60. Charles Babbage is gene郑州富士康官方直招rally considered _____ the first computer. A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having i郑州富士康官方直招nvented*富士康直招*

(94)61. --I must apologize for_____ ahead of time. --That"s all right. A. letting you not kno郑州富士康官方直招w B. not letting you know*富士康招聘要求*

C. letting you know not D. letting not you know(94)62, The missing boys wer郑州富士康官方直招e last seen_____ near the river.*富士康直招*

A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play(94)63.The visiting Mi郑州富士康官方直招nister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.*富士康招聘要求*

A. having 郑州富士康官方直招added B. to add C. adding D. added(94)64. The first textbooks_____ for teaching English as a foreign郑州富士康官方直招 language came out in the 16th century.*富士康直招*

A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. writte郑州富士康官方直招n(95)65.--You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting:*富士康招聘要求*

--Well, now I regret_____ that. A郑州富士康官方直招. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

(95)66. Paul doesn"t have to be made_____. He a郑州富士康官方直招lways works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning*富士康直招*

(95)67. We agreed_____ here but so far 郑州富士康官方直招she hasn"t turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met*富士康招聘要求*

(96)68. The patient was 郑州富士康官方直招warned______ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating*富士康直招*

(郑州富士康官方直招96)69. ______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lo郑州富士康官方直招st D. To lose*富士康招聘要求*

(97)70. I would love______ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to fin郑州富士康官方直招ish a report. A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone*富士康直招*

(97) 71. The Olympic Games, ______ in 郑州富士康官方直招776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first郑州富士康官方直招 played D. to be first playing*富士康招聘要求*

(97)72. -- Alice, why didn"t you come yesterday? -- I______, but I had郑州富士康官方直招 an unexpected, visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did*富士康直招*

(97)73. The fire spread through the h郑州富士康官方直招otel very quickly but everyone______ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to*富士康招聘要求*

(98)74. ____郑州富士康官方直招_ it with me and I"ll see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C.If you leave D. Leave*富士康直招*

(98)75. Clea郑州富士康官方直招ning women in big cities usually get______ by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay*富士康招聘要求*

(98)76. Eu郑州富士康官方直招ropean football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making 郑州富士康官方直招B. makes C. made D. to make*富士康直招*

(99)77. Robert is said_____ abroad, but I don"t know what country he stud郑州富士康官方直招ied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying*富士康招聘要求*

(99)78. The purpose郑州富士康官方直招 of new technologies is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. 郑州富士康官方直招not making D. do not make*富士康直招*

(99)79. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door______ "Sorr郑州富士康官方直招y to miss you; will call later."*富士康招聘要求*

A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading(2000)80. I"ve worked with chi郑州富士康官方直招ldren before, so I know what______ in my new job.*富士康直招*

A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expe郑州富士康官方直招cts (2000)81. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see______ the next year.*富士康招聘要求*

A. car郑州富士康官方直招ry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out (2001)82. ______ such heavy pollution already,郑州富士康官方直招 it may now be too late to clean up the river.*富士康直招*

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffer郑州富士康官方直招ed (2002)83. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains______ whether郑州富士康官方直招 they will enjoy it.*富士康招聘要求*

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen(2002)84. It is said in Australia there郑州富士康官方直招 is more land than the government knows ______.*富士康直招*

A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what t郑州富士康官方直招o do with it D. to do what with it注:此题没有正确答案。*富士康招聘要求*

如答案选C,须去掉it(2002上海)85. In order to gain a bigger share 郑州富士康官方直招in the international market, many state-run companies are striving______ their products more competi郑州富士康官方直招tive.*富士康直招*

A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made(2002上海)86. Quite a few people used to belie郑州富士康官方直招ve that disaster_____ if a mirror was broken.*富士康招聘要求*

A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struck C.郑州富士康官方直招 was sure to be struck D. was sure to strike*富士康直招*

(2002上海)87. Though______ money, his parents managed to s郑州富士康官方直招end him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in*富士康招聘要求*

(2002上海)88. Don"t use words, e郑州富士康官方直招xpressions, or phrases_______ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been 郑州富士康官方直招known C. to be known D. known*富士康直招*

(2002上海)89. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one"s 郑州富士康官方直招skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed*富士康招聘要求*

(2002春招)90. Prices of dail郑州富士康官方直招y goods______ through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bou郑州富士康官方直招ght D. buying*富士康直招*

(2002上海春招)91. In some parts of London, missing a bus means______ for another hour. A. w郑州富士康官方直招aiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting*富士康招聘要求*

(2002上海春招)92. When_____, the museum will he open to the pu郑州富士康官方直招blic next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed*富士康直招*

(2002北京)93--How do y郑州富士康官方直招ou deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? --The key ______ the problem is郑州富士康官方直招 to meet the demand _______ by the customers.*富士康招聘要求*

A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; 郑州富士康官方直招making D. to solve; made(2002广东)94. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but i郑州富士康官方直招t remains______ whether they will enjoy it.*富士康直招*

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen(2002广东)95. It i郑州富士康官方直招s said in Australia there is more land than the government knows______.*富士康招聘要求*

A. it what to do with B. what郑州富士康官方直招 to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it(2002广东)96. The research is so designed th郑州富士康官方直招at once______ nothing can be done to change it.*富士康直招*

A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun(2003全郑州富士康官方直招国)97. The teacher asked us______ so much noise.*富士康招聘要求*

A. don"t make B. not make C. not making D. not to mak郑州富士康官方直招e(2003全国)98. ______ time, he"ll make a first-class tennis player.*富士康直招*

A. Having given B. To give C. Givin郑州富士康官方直招g D. Given(2003上海)99. The discovery of new evidence led to______.*富士康招聘要求*

A. the thief having caught B. catch郑州富士康官方直招 the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught*富士康直招*

(2003上海)100. Generally speaking, _____郑州富士康官方直招_ according to directions, the drug has no side-effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take郑州富士康官方直招 D. when to be taken*富士康招聘要求*

(2003上海)101. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered__郑州富士康官方直招_____ clear warnings before firing any shots.*富士康直招*

A. to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be 郑州富士康官方直招issued(2003上海)102. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars_______ road con郑州富士康官方直招ditions need______.*富士康招聘要求*

A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improved C. where; improving D. when; imp郑州富士康官方直招roving

(2003北京春招)103. --Why did you go back to the shop? --I left my friend______ there. A. waiting B郑州富士康官方直招. to wait C. wait D. waits*富士康直招*

(2003北京春招)104. The manager,______ his factory"s products were poor in qual郑州富士康官方直招ity, decided to give his workers further training.*富士康招聘要求*

A. knowing B. known C. to know D. being known(2003郑州富士康官方直招北京春招)105. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _______ whether he was going in the 郑州富士康官方直招right direction.*富士康直招*

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see(2003上海春招)106. Don"t be discourage郑州富士康官方直招d. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.*富士康招聘要求*

A. Taking B. To take C. Take 郑州富士康官方直招D. Taken(2003上海春招)107. Friendship is like money: easier made than ____.*富士康直招*

A. kept B. to be kept C. keep郑州富士康官方直招ing D. being kept(2003上海春招)108. ______the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.*富士康招聘要求*

A.郑州富士康官方直招 The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The president"s a郑州富士康官方直招ttending*富士康直招*

(2003上海春招)109. Unless______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited郑州富士康官方直招 B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited*富士康招聘要求*

(2003上海春招)110. Site will tell us why she feels so str郑州富士康官方直招ongly that each of us has a role______ in making the earth a better place to live.*富士康直招*

A. to have played 郑州富士康官方直招B. to play C. to be played D. to be playingKEYS: 1. CBBDA 6.ACDCB 11. ACBAB 16. ABCCB 21. DABCA 26. 郑州富士康官方直招BDBDA*富士康招聘要求*

3l. CA AAA 36. DABCA 41. DCAAC 46. ADBCC 51. AADCB 56. CACDC 61. BACDD 66. BCCCB 71.CCDDC 76.AA郑州富士康官方直招BDB 81.CABCA 86.DCDCB*富士康直招*





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